Fairy Magic
Follow the footsteps of the fairies
they will lead you silently
across the field of berries
prancing alone with silver wings
in mystical gardens full of many things
Along the fairy paths are cloves
trolls hide under the bridges by the droves
worry not; a bark keeper with a hollow soul
will keep things under control
Waterfalls with shining lights
trees that whisper during the night
"come," they say," let me fill you with delight"
Beyond the gate; magical dragons await
don't hesitate, they are spell weavers
that will make you believers
There is no anger in their fire
only wanting to please your desire
Wizards dance with silhouettes
along the castle walls
and if you peek through the windows
you can see beasts and beauties
dancing in the halls
Yes, all things are mystical
much more masterful
when we can believe in fantasies
that are sooooooooo colorful
copyright 2003 by shyloh