A greeting card enjoy!
ANNNNNNNNND if you are looking for perhaps something
different on your Thanksgiving menu. Please check out
I love bacon. I love this place. I love bacon You will find something you like. I am sure of it.

Dear Lord,
Thank you for the blessing you
have given me, not just today
but everyday.
Thank you for the friends
that crossed my path
the smiles they placed
upon my face
they can never be replaced
Thank you for my family
I love them one and all
bless them so they will never fall
Thank you for lessons
no matter how great or small
it made me a better person
through it all
For the one's no longer here
their presence is clear
I lift my glass to you
and cheer
And to all of you here
I love you dear!!!
Happy Thanksgiving
Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving!!
Manda said...
Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving!!
Oh you too Manda..
Loved the card! Happy Turkey Day to you, too.
Just Me said...
Loved the card! Happy Turkey Day to you, too.
I bet you have something awesome cooking up your sleeve for thanksgiving don't ya.
I love this time of year. Best to you and yours.
Shyloh..you are my new hero..a wonderful person you are indeed..I thank you so much for what you've done.
I praying your Thanksgiving will be a safe..love filled blessed holiday.
GOD Bless you and your family.
Opie Outlaw
Stranger Ken said...
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Shyloh (and don't eat too much!).
Oh Thank you stranger Ken
You too. And I think we all eat to much on that day ha.
Opie Outlaw said...
Shyloh..you are my new hero..a wonderful person you are indeed..I thank you so much for what you've done.
I praying your Thanksgiving will be a safe..love filled blessed holiday.
GOD Bless you and your family.
Opie Outlaw
My goodness opie. I am so honored to say the least. I pray yours is the grandest of all. Love to you always.
Now you have made me cry. Tears of joy though.
And the music played on!!!
Alex said...
And the music played on!!!
You are also special alex. Have an awesome thanksgiving.
Beladed Happy Thanksgiving to you. Hope you had a good day.
Our turkey day is Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
God bless turkeys.
Lots of love,
Enocia said...
Beladed Happy Thanksgiving to you. Hope you had a good day.
Our turkey day is Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
God bless turkeys.
Lots of love,
Tomorrow is our Thanksgiving dear haha. You are still off a bit. but tis ok.
Read Enocia's comment. The prime purpose in life, among other things, is not to cook (someone's) goose!!!
Alex said...
Read Enocia's comment. The prime purpose in life, among other things, is not to cook (someone's) goose!!!
Ha, so true.. I don't like doing that.
But...however..if it's good for the goose..it's good for the gooser!
Happy Thanksgiving. Have a great time.
Happy Thanksgiving Shyloh.
This is always one of the places I can depend on for a smile. I am thankful that I found it.
Gangadhar said...
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Gangadhar it is good to see you again and same to you.
. : A : . said...
Happy Thanksgiving. Have a great time.
You too . : A : .
chench said...
Happy Thanksgiving Shyloh.
This is always one of the places I can depend on for a smile. I am thankful that I found it.
Oh thank you dear one. I am thankful I founds your place also. Cause there I feel all your love for your family. Besides that the kids are so cute haha.
Shyloh, hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving, whenever it was.;-)
Alex wrote:
Read Enocia's comment. The prime purpose in life, among other things, is not to cook (someone's) goose!!!
For Alex and all here's something for you:
Goosey Goosey Gander where shall I wander,
Upstairs, downstairs and in my lady's chamber
There I met an old man who wouldn't say his prayers,
I took him by the left leg and threw him down the stairs.
Anyone have a clue wht this nursery rhyme means? I don't.
Love to you all,
EJ :-)
Shyloh, hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving, whenever it was.;-)
Alex wrote:
Read Enocia's comment. The prime purpose in life, among other things, is not to cook (someone's) goose!!!
For Alex and all here's something for you:
Goosey Goosey Gander where shall I wander,
Upstairs, downstairs and in my lady's chamber
There I met an old man who wouldn't say his prayers,
I took him by the left leg and threw him down the stairs.
Anyone have a clue wht this nursery rhyme means? I don't.
Love to you all,
EJ :-)
Yes I did, thank you and I ate waaaaaaay to much.
Maybe it is a religious thing..
Shyloh wrote:
Maybe it is a religious thing..
That sounds about right. If you don't say your prayers we'll push you down the stairs. Follow our religion or else we'll push you down the stairs. Worship our God or we'll push you down the stairs. Hehehe
Reminds me of my stint with Christianity. I attended a Methodist secondary school. I used to attend Scripture Union (SU) meetings during lunch hour in the hall. One day the whole school turned up for the meetings and we all started speaking in tongues. Well, we thought we were. Our principal heard the racket and stopped the meeting. She banned all future SU meetings during school hours; she said we were free to speak in tongues after school hours. :-)
Cheers honey.
Enocia said...
Shyloh wrote:
Maybe it is a religious thing..
That sounds about right. If you don't say your prayers we'll push you down the stairs. Follow our religion or else we'll push you down the stairs. Worship our God or we'll push you down the stairs. Hehehe
Reminds me of my stint with Christianity. I attended a Methodist secondary school. I used to attend Scripture Union (SU) meetings during lunch hour in the hall. One day the whole school turned up for the meetings and we all started speaking in tongues. Well, we thought we were. Our principal heard the racket and stopped the meeting. She banned all future SU meetings during school hours; she said we were free to speak in tongues after school hours. :-)
Cheers honey.
Gosh I have so been there and done that. Well not broken any legs or pushed anyone down stairs but the sure felt like doing it to me ha.
Well, at least you had permission to speak in tongues. "after hours" geesh.
God probably struck her later on that night.
Hi sweetie.
Just want to wish you and everyone a happy day.
Love always,
The poop on the Gander went more or less like this. My lady hired the ancestor of the AFLEC Gander to provide (insurance) protection against someone befouling her bed chamber. My lady, befitting her station and breeding in life, told the ancestor of the AFLEC Gander that only those gentlemen who prayed were allowed to remain. The old man wouldn’t say his prayers and so was appropriately heaved out by the ancestor of the AFLEC Gander. Legend has it that the old man’s name was Lloyd. The Old Man, having recognized the error of his ways in My Lady’s Chamber, went on to atone for his (potential) sins by establishing Lloyd’s of London . Some churlish ruffians, not understanding My Lady’s Breeding went on to gossip more or less along the lines that "What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander."
nice prayer and spread of food. I also like the idea of bacon in everything.
I am thankful for you as well.
Thank you pirate, I have missed you. Not sure why. But you are so sweet. Thank you from my heart.
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