Thursday, August 09, 2007

Love Letters

Love Letters

My Darling,

A confession spoken from your mouth to my heart.
I wish I could tell these things to you face to face,
and sense your reaction to each one of my words
spoken, these words would only reassure you of
something you already know. I wish I could have
you right now, now that strong desire takes over
me and reveals itself through the most sensitive
parts of my body. wanting to feel you burns me
from inside.

Oh to dance under a moonlit night, feeling
your arms around me tight and never wanting these
moments to end. I want to be with you and celebrate
your presence with simply caresses; the kind of
caresses that would go unnoticed if they were done
in the middle of the street, in broad daylight, but gain a
different meaning and dimension when they are done by
the candlelight or in the semi-darkness of
the bedroom.

SHHH say nothing.

copyright 2007 by shyloh


Alex said...

So as instructed / directed I'll say nothing about something (wonderful, inexplicable, definitely mysterious, and lastly mind boggling)

franx said...

It so touching my heart is really nice expression in your poem

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! This is beautiful...